Repeat this movement slowly for the first set, and rapidly for the second set for 30 seconds each. Alternately, drive your knees straight up as you tap your toe on the couch; work to drive your knee up to hip-height.You can use water bottles as dumbbells while squatting for a great lower body exercise that will get your legs and buttocks in great shape, without the need of using expensive equipment. Take a large step forward with the other leg.While keeping the front knee behind your front toe. Repeat this movement, rapidly alternating legs as fast as you can.Place one foot on the couch — either on the ball or top of your foot — while holding a pillow straight out in front of you.Reverse crunchLunge plus arm raise12 repetitionsMuscle focus: Glutes, hamstrings, quads, core and shoulders. Tricep workout Curling up on the sofa, watching a good movie and chilling out at home! Don’t feel like going to the gym? The hardest part for most of us is prying ourselves off the couch to get to the gym. Bend your legs slightly, engage your core, stretch your torso, and start to recline slightly as you straighten the legs in front of you. Avoid rounding of your back while you do China instant heating electric tap Manufacturers this.

The writer is a celebrity fitness trainer. What if you could keep yourself active and catch up with some functional training right on your couch? Yes, it’s possible with this regimen that instantly transforms your sofa, the water bottles and the pillows into a functional training zone. Drive through your front foot, squeezing your glutes as you return to the starting position, and lower the pillow back to original position. As you lower to the bottom of your lunge, you should simultaneously raise the pillow directly overhead. Remember to add the basic warm-up and cool down stretches before and after the workouts respectively. Lift the right foot off the floor and pull your left knee as close to your chest as you can. Lower to the bottom of your lunge; lower the back knee, and keep your front thigh parallel to the floor. Engage your core all through the 24 repetitions. Place a filled one litre water bottle between your thighs, hold it firmly. Hold your legs straight out in front of you for 8 to 10 seconds, and pull your knees back towards your chest returning to the starting position. For an improved cardiac output, pump your arms.


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